Matthew Arlnold School


Matthew Arnold School Dress Code

At Matthew Arnold School we work together to maintain high standards, including those relating to suitable clothing and appearance for school.

At Matthew Arnold School the following principles hold for our uniform:

The uniform is recognisable as that of Matthew Arnold School.

  1. The uniform is comfortable to wear.
  2. The uniform is affordable.
  3. The uniform meets the health and safety requirements of a busy school.

The dress code is intended to provide the opportunity for collective pride in our school as well as a clear structure for students and parents to follow.


 MAS SweatshirtMAS polo shirt









Current Uniform

  • Burgundy ‘V’ neck sweatshirt with school logo.
  • Polo shirt worn underneath. Logo polo shirts are available but not compulsory.
  • Plain black legwear. No faded, or ripped trousers.
  • Footwear must be predominantly black, no higher than the ankle and with low heels. No open-toed shoes are permitted.

September 2023 onwards

Uniform Transition Period

In order to allow a transition period and not incur unnecessary cost on families who already own the current uniform there will be a transition period where students may wear the old uniform. Details of how this transition period applies to different year groups is below.

The following guidance applies to year groups below from September 2023:

Year 7 in September 2023

2023 - 2024 Must wear the new uniform 

Year 8 in September 2023

2023-24 Can choose to wear either the old uniform or the new uniform

2024-25 Must wear the new uniform

Year 9 in September 2023

2023-24 Can choose to wear either the old uniform or the new uniform

2024-25 Must wear the new uniform

Year 10 in September 2023

2023-24 Can choose to wear either the old uniform or the new uniform

2024-25 Can choose to wear either the old uniform or the new uniform

Year 11 in September 2023

2023-24 Can choose to wear either the old uniform or the new uniform

2024-25 Will be in 6th form or have left the school

General dress code specifications

To ensure that uniform is worn smartly and neatly at all times, all students need to comply with the points below:

  • Students are not permitted to substitute outer garments for their school sweatshirt during the school day. 
  • School sweatshirts may be removed when a student feels too warm.
  • Coats or jackets should be suitable for school wear and should be removed, along with hoods, gloves, scarves and hats, in lessons, with the exception being headwear that has a religious significance.
  • False nails of any type are not permitted.
  • Students are encouraged to wear a watch.
  • Earrings should be studs or small hoops only, for safety reasons.
  • Nose rings/studs, bracelets and rings should be discrete, minimal and cause no offence.
  • If worn, necklaces should be beneath the polo shirt.


The school sweatshirt, polo shirt and school sports kit are available through the school’s uniform supplier, Price and Buckland All other items can be purchased wherever the family feels provides best value. 

P.E. Kit for all students 


Outdoor PE topIndoor PE Top









All students must change from Uniform worn in lessons and during the day into a separate PE kit

  • Red rugby top or white polo shirt in house colour.
  • Trainers for indoor PE or use on the tennis courts.
  • Football boots for any activity that is on grass (rugby, football, cross country).
  • Black shorts/tracksuit bottoms/running leggings (not fashion leggings).
  • Red or white sport socks. Long football socks are required when wearing shin pads. Trampoline or grip socks can be used for gymnastics and dance as these activities will be shoes off. Normal socks are too slippery and dangerous.
  • Shin pads for football and hockey.
  • Gloves are allowed for activities where this is safe, such as capture the flag etc. However, they are not allowed for rugby or netball because of the nature of the skills involved. 
  • Hats & caps can be worn in PE but must be red, black or white (must have no ties on the bottom). No scarves/snoods are to be worn.
  • Under their red top a student can wear extra layers that are suitable for physical activity and are agreed with the teacher. No outdoor jackets or coats are to be worn.

General PE kit specification

  • Long hair should be worn tied back during PE lessons.

  • No jewellery should be worn in PE lessons. Earrings that cannot be removed must be taped over.  (The school does not provide tape)

All clothing, sports shoes, backpacks and sports bags must have the student’s name clearly marked. Even coats worn to and from school.

School Uniform Suppliers

Uniform, including sports kit, can be purchased online or by post from Price and Buckland. Parents can access the Price and Buckland website here, or else by clicking the button below. You can then order our uniform in the same way you would use any other online ordering website.  There is a delivery charge of £3.95 for each online order.  Delivery is usually within 3 - 5 days.

Price and Buckland website

Our PTA also carries a number of second hand uniform items. Please contact them direct on to check their stock. You can also complete the form here and send it to them.