Matthew Arnold School Governing Body
Matthew Arnold school is part of the Acer Trust
The Acer Trust Board of Trustees is the non-executive body accountable for all aspects of the conduct and performance of the schools in the Trust. The responsibilities of the Board are defined in the Acer Trust Principles of Governance and Delegation document.
The Board of Trustees of Acer Trust delegates the day-to-day management of Matthew Arnold School and its delegated budget to the Headteacher and the school’s Leadership Team.
The school governing body (GB) has the oversight of the management of the school and its budget. Acer Trust Trustees are responsible for ensuring that the governors are exercising their governance functions in line with the relevant duties.
The Governing Body will:
Ensure that the school has set its vision, ethos and strategic direction, including oversight of the School Improvement Plan within the Acer Trust principles and values;
Hold the school leaders to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff;
Oversee the financial performance of the school, its delegated budget and ensure financial regularity, propriety and value for money in the use of public funds in the achievement of Acer Trust’s aims.
We provide here the following information:
A list of the governors currently serving on the GB
Register of interests of governors
Attendance at meeting record for the previous year
Report on Pupil Premium grant
Report on Year 7 catch up funding
Terms of reference of the GB
Governing Body Terms of Reference 2023-24
Governors of Matthew Arnold School