Matthew Arlnold School

Headteacher's Welcome

Welcome to Matthew Arnold School.

Welcome to our school website. I am very pleased to introduce myself as Headteacher here at Matthew Arnold School. I have been part of the school community since 2013 as Deputy Head and 2021 as Headteacher as well as a parent of children at the school.

During those years, two things have always stood out about the school:

Firstly, the students are wonderful ambassadors for the school and their community. Keen to learn and develop their approach to learning, they are never shy to ask questions or to challenge the status quo.

Secondly, the staff demonstrate their commitment every day to ensuring our students can thrive in the school, both academically and socially. Our calm and purposeful environment prepares students for the exciting life choices we support them to make at the end of their time with us.

Our vision of ‘Success for Everyone’ is central to everything we do at school; from designing the curriculum, to the exciting extra curricular activities and enrichment visits on offer, to the highest standards of teaching and learning. It's very important to us that Matthew Arnold School sits at the heart of our community.

This website gives you a flavour of the school and our ethos, but we know this can never replace visiting the school in person. If you are considering sending your child to Matthew Arnold School, please get in touch to arrange a visit. We look forward to seeing you.

Mr Anthony Broadley


Photograph of Headteacher