Parent-Teacher Association
We enjoy a strong partnership with parents of our students, particularly through the Matthew Arnold School Parent Teacher Association (MAS PTA), which is a very active, fund-raising group providing many useful ‘extras’ for the school every year. The MAS PTA makes a significant contribution to the facilities, which we can offer to our students by organising a variety of social events, which bring parents, staff and students together. New members to the MAS PTA are always welcome.
Join the MAS PTA
Who we are
The Matthew Arnold School Parent Teacher Association (Formerly HSA) is a group of parents and teachers who support the school by fundraising, organising events, giving support at school events etc.
The MAS PTA 100+ club - join now to win!
We are delighted to announce that in September 2021 we launched our 100+ Club which is a small lottery that enables you to support the PTA's fundraising efforts without having to give up your valuable time. By joining you can financially support the school and stand a chance to win a cash prize! Please followthis link to learn more!
Gonda Coetzee, Chair of the MAS PTA
Fundraising update
It has been a very different couple of years for all of us with the impact of the Coronavirus and the restrictions that brought with it. This also had a significant impact on our fundraising. Lots of the events were obviously postponed including last year's Transition BBQ and Rounders event for the September 2021 year 7s. Fingers crossed that the Transition BBQ and Rounders event for the September 2022 year 7s takes place on Thursday 7th July. In the meantime, our fundraising for this year continues. We will also include other regular news on the MAS PTA in the school's weekly Student/Parent bulletin so watch out for that too.
In 2021, we did, however, have enough money in the bank to make a contribution to the school of £5,000. This went towards outside picnic tables and benches which have been set up in various areas of the school so that students have somewhere to meet and sit in their various year bubbles during break times.
Out biggest fundraising efforts so far were in 2019 when we were delighted that in total the MAS PTA (formerly HSA) donated £24,000 to the school which went towards the chairs and equipment for the new building (Sixth Form block). This was a fantastic achievement and we were very grateful for all the support we had particularly over the last few years. It’s all gone a long way to supporting the school and its expansion.
Committee Members
At the MAS PTA AGM held on 19th May 2021 we were delighted that the current Chair - Mrs Gonda Coetzee, our Treasurer, Mrs Mary Hull and Dr Paul Fisher, our Secretary were all re-elected. We thank them for all their hard work and commitment to the MAS PTA. We also have a number of parents who are Trustees.
How you can help
There are many ways to help us, you can:
- By making regular donations via ParentPay ( or joining the 100+Club (see details above)
- Online via easyfundraising – every time you shop at your favourite online retailers through this portal (website or the App), they will donate to the MAS PTA (
- Join us on the MAS PTA – we hold regular meetings, sometimes in the pub! The MAS PTA meets regularly where we discuss upcoming fundraising events and ideas for fundraising. We are grateful for all the support we get from parents/carers and their commitment to our efforts. If you think you’d like to get involved, please do email the MAS PTA at for further information.
- Support the MAS PTA by helping out at events – we always need extra man-power at various events throughout the year. Watch out for the sign up notices in the weekly Student/Parent bulletin.
We really need your help to make Matthew Arnold School the best it can be.
MAS PTA Chair: Mrs Gonda Coetzee
MAS PTA Secretary: Dr Paul Fisher
MAS PTA Treasurer: Mrs Mary Hull
MAS PTA – helping to invest in your child’s future
Second Hand Uniform
The MAS PTA keeps a stock of second hand uniform which it sells to raise money for the school. If you would like to check whether we have items available, please complete the form here and send it to us by email:
If you would like to donate any second hand uniform, please contact the MAS PTA who will arrange to collect it from school so that it can be sold which will go towards our fundraising efforts. Thank you.